What is a progress report?

If you work in the contracting world, a client might occasionally request a progress report. Such a document should not be confused with a formal invoice and is not an official invoice.

A progress report is a specific document typically used for projects with a longer duration. It details the work that has already been completed and what can be invoiced interim. This must later be approved by the client before the pro forma or (final) invoice.

A progress report always includes the term “progress” and does not request payment. This indicates that it is not an official invoice.

Activate the 'Custom Document' module

To create a progress report, you can use the 'Free Document' module. This module allows you to create a document with a custom name.

If you have not yet activated this module, go to the **"Modules"** page. Find **'Free Document'** under the components and activate this feature using the blue button.

Then enter "progress report" / "progress reports" as the name (always use lowercase letters). Click on **Activate**.

In the menu on the left, you will now find a new option called 'Progress Reports'.

Create a progress report

To create a progress report, click on **'Create'** > choose a new or existing customer, and then complete the document as you would when creating an invoice.

Create a progress report from a purchase order

If you wish to create multiple progress reports for a long-term project, you can use a purchase order to track the project.

To create progress reports from a purchase order, first activate the Purchase Orders' module. It is also advisable to activate the **'Items'** module for this process.

Create a purchase order with all the items/materials from the project. Always use items to ensure automatic tracking of which items have already been included in the progress reports.

Once the purchase order is created, you can generate the first progress report.

Go to Create Document' and select Progress Report'.


The system automatically transfers all data from the purchase order. You can manually adjust the items/quantities that should not yet be included in the progress report.

When saving the progress report, the system will automatically detect if not all items from the purchase order are included in the progress report. In this case, you will receive a notification to set the purchase order status to 'partially delivered.' Confirm by clicking 'yes.'

The progress report has been prepared and can now be sent to the customer.

Then, as a check, go back to the original purchase order and see that the status has changed to 'partially delivered.' You will also find the remaining quantities of the items still open.

When you later create a new progress report from the purchase order, the system will automatically include the remaining items and their quantities. You can adjust these as needed.

Once all items and quantities have been included in progress reports, the purchase order will automatically be marked as 'completed.'

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