In case of non-payment of an invoice, a reminder can be sent to the customer. This reminder can urge the customer to make the payment. Reminders can be sent via email or postal mail, or can be printed directly.

Send reminder

Through the invoice overview, you can find out when an invoice is overdue and the number of days it has been overdue. When you notice that an invoice is overdue by several days, you can send a reminder for it.

To send a reminder, open the invoice in question and click on "Reminder" at the top.

"A new frame appears allowing you to send the reminder. By default, you send a reminder via email, but you can also print the reminder or send it via BPost."

Send via email

By default, a reminder is sent via email. You can customize the subject and message of the reminder before sending it. The default settings for sending via email can be configured under “Settings” > “Email Settings.”

An attachment is included with the email, which can be a duplicate of the invoice, a reminder document, or a summary document. You can select the desired type at the bottom.

Click “Send” to dispatch the reminder. You can find when the reminder was sent at the bottom of the timeline.

If you send a second reminder, you can select a different text by clicking on the purple button at the bottom ("Select email text").

Printing the Reminder

Click on the "Print" tab to print the reminder. This allows you to personally deliver the reminder to the customer.

As a document, you can print a duplicate of the invoice, a reminder document, or a summary document.

Click "Print" to print the reminder. At the bottom of the timeline, you can see when the reminder was printed.

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