A salutation makes a good impression. Therefore, you can create salutations for all your current and new customers, ensuring that you always address them correctly in your emails.


Let's start by creating an extra field via Settings -> Extra Fields, and click the red 'Add +' button.

For the description, enter 'Salutation,' and the internal name will automatically be renamed to match the description. It is advisable to keep it this way.

For 'Type,' select 'Selection' and leave 'Value' blank.

Under 'Selectable Values,' list all the salutations you plan to use for your customers.

In 'Available for,' make sure to always select 'Customers' and all documents where you want to apply a salutation. It is also recommended to check all documents for the future, as shown in the image above.

Save by clicking the blue 'Update' button. Also, make sure to click the blue 'Update Settings' button when the menu is closed; otherwise, your selection will be lost.

If this has been applied successfully, you should now go to 'Settings' -> 'Email' -> 'Email Text'.

As you can see, a variable '%value-salutation%' is added here, which we created in the previous step. It is best to copy this and add it to each document type where you want to use a salutation.

Don’t forget to click the blue 'Update Settings' button at the end to save your changes.

Create or update customers

If you want to add a salutation to existing customers, go to 'Customers,' click on the relevant customer, and then click the yellow 'Update' button.

If you want to create a new customer, follow the usual steps for creating a new customer.

You will likely notice that an extra field has been added in the 'Customer Details,' where you enter the customer information. Here, you can choose the default salutation to use for the new or existing customer.

As the final step, click the blue 'Update Customer' button to save the changes.

During document creation and email sending

You still have the option to change the salutation during document creation if needed, in case you want to address someone else within the customer's company.

Once the document is created, click the blue 'Send' button. You will now see the menu open with the email text and the new salutation.

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