Email Settings

Sending invoices, quotes, reminders, and other documents can be done in various ways. If you want to know how, please continue reading on this page.

Setting up your email?

Go to 'Settings' > 'Email' and select how you want to send your emails by checking one of the options.

Below, we explain the available options and help you determine which delivery method best suits you and your company.

Setting up delivery method

Forwarding Address

Via a forwarding address, you can send emails from an email address through our platform. This is the simplest option, and you don't need to take any further steps. Your client receives emails from the "Forwarding Address," which you can customize by entering your own name or your company's name. It is preferable to add your name or your business name to the forwarding address. 

If your client replies to the forwarded invoices via email, the reply will be sent to the email address listed under "Reply-To Address." This email address may differ from the email address of the user you use to log in.

own email address (DNS) 

Send emails using your own email address. To send from your own email address, you need to have an email address with your own domain name and be able to modify the DNS records of your domain. After entering your own email address, you must activate it by clicking "Check and Activate" and following the instructions provided.

You will notice that you need to add the above 3 DNS records to your domain. For this, it's best to contact your domain administrator, web administrator, or IT manager.


DNS stands for "Domain Name System." It's a system that allows you to connect to websites by mapping human-readable domain names (like to the unique ID of the server where a website is hosted.

The DNS system acts as the internet's phonebook. It contains domain names with their corresponding identifiers, called IP addresses, instead of names and phone numbers of people. When a user enters a domain name like on their device, the IP address is looked up, connecting the user to the physical location where that website is hosted.

Using your own mailbox (SMTP)

To send emails from your own mailbox or mail server, use this option and provide the SMTP details of your mail server, including the username and password. These details are used to connect to your mail server and send emails from there. After activating this option, you can send a test invoice to verify if the provided SMTP details are valid.

own Gmail mailbox 

Send emails from your Gmail account. To use this option, a connection is established between Gmail and our software. This method is preferable over SMTP if you use Gmail.

Own mailbox (Outlook)

Send emails from your Outlook Hotmail, Live, and Microsoft 365 account. To use this option, a connection is established between Outlook and our software. This method is preferable over SMTP if you use Outlook.

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