To enhance your experience and save time, you can use the Online Signature module.

With this feature, you can effortlessly sign quotes, purchase orders, and invoices online. Save time and simplify the approval process for both your clients and yourself.

Activate online signatures.

First, activate the Online Signature module via the modules page. Once activated, you're ready to get started.

Now, in the settings window, you can select the documents for which you'd like to use an online signature. Add the text for the default signature link.

With the online signature, a link is added to the email text. Through this link, the customer can place their signature on the document. You can customize the signature link via Settings > Email > Email text. The signature link can also be manually added by including the variable %signature-link%.

If you now send a quote, your customer will automatically receive a link to place their signature.

What does the customer see?

The customer receives the document with the signature link in their mailbox, which they can then click to open the document for signature. If the quote (or other document) is modified after it has been sent to the customer, the signature link becomes invalid and must be resent. For a signature link, only one signature can be placed, but if the document is sent to multiple email addresses, each recipient will receive a separate signature link, and each recipient will be able to place a signature on the document.

When the page is opened, the customer is asked to give permission to share their location, which is important for knowing the customer's location during the signing process. Then, the customer is prompted to enter their name and position (if applicable for a company). The customer can choose whether to enter their signature via text or draw it with the mouse.

If the customer does not agree with the document or if there is an error in it, there is also the option to reject the document with the "reject" button.

What after signing?

After signing, both you and your customer will receive an email with the signed document.

In the overview, you will find a signature icon so you can quickly see which documents have been signed. The status of the quote also automatically changes from 'pending' to 'accepted' once the customer has signed it.

You also receive a notification once the customer has signed, to keep you informed. Go to the notification settings to change this or to receive an email notification.


Information by the timeline

Through the document timeline, you can track when the document was sent for signing, when the customer first opened it, and where, when, and by whom the signing was performed.