There are various documents available that can be attached to the reminder. The default document type can be adjusted via "Settings" > "Reminders." During the reminder's dispatch, you can still choose which type of document you wish to include.

You can request a print preview of a reminder by opening the "Print" tab while sending a reminder and clicking the "Print Preview" button (blue button) at the bottom.

Duplicate invoice

A copy of the invoice is included with a note indicating that it is a duplicate. This is the default document that is sent with a reminder.

Reminder document

A reminder document includes all the details of the invoice but features a cover letter above the invoice table. This cover letter urges the customer to make the payment. You can customize this cover letter via "Settings" > "Reminders."

The cover letter can contain variables and can be formatted as needed.

Summary Document

A summary document provides an overview of the total amount due per invoice. It allows you to send a single reminder for multiple outstanding invoices, including a summary table that lists each open invoice.

Similar to a reminder document, a cover letter is placed above the table. You can customize this cover letter via "Settings" > "Reminders."

The cover letter can include variables and be formatted as needed.

Additionally, in the settings, you can specify whether to include all outstanding invoices or only overdue invoices. When sending a reminder for an invoice, other outstanding/overdue invoices will be automatically searched for and included in the document.

Alternatively, you can manually select the invoices you want to include from the invoice overview and determine which invoices to add to the reminder. To do this, select “Only selected invoices” under “Invoice Selection.” See below under “Sending Multiple Reminders” for information on sending a reminder for multiple invoices.

Note: Only invoices with the same customer details, layout, language, and currency can be included on the same summary document.

You can use an alternative layout when sending a summary document. Select the desired layout in the settings.

The columns in the table of a summary document are determined using the layout editor. You can choose which columns are printed and in which order they are added.

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