Did you know you can also add a custom extra field to your customers, invoices, and other documents?

This is a useful option for keeping and printing additional information on the invoice.

To add an extra field:

Go to 'Settings' > 'Advanced' > 'Custom Fields' and add a field using the red button.

Next, provide a description and internal name. The internal name can be used as a variable.

By default, you create a field as "free field." A free field is a text field where you can enter the desired information. Additionally, you can use "selection," which provides a fixed list of possible values.

Use "automatic value" to automatically populate the extra field with, for example, the quote number from a previous document.

Lastly, specify for which documents the fields should be available (e.g., invoices, invoice items).

If the extra field is available for multiple types of documents, the value will automatically carry over when the documents are linked. For example, if you activate the extra field for both customers and invoices, you can input the value for the customer, and it will automatically be set for every invoice associated with that customer.

Filling in extra field

The new fields will appear automatically when creating or updating the document.

Displaying an extra field on the invoice

If you wish to print the new field on the invoice, you can activate this through the layout editor.

Modify your current layout and enable the field under "document details" or "table."

Editing an extra field

If you want to update the fields, go to 'Settings' > 'Advanced' > 'Actions' and then click on 'Update' on the right side. If you delete the field, this data will be removed from all existing documents.