A commercial discount or trade discount reduces the invoice amount as a commercial gesture.

This discount can be applied either as a percentage of the total amount or per invoice item.

Discount on total amount

To apply a commercial discount, you can use the ‘Discount’ field when creating or editing an invoice. The entered percentage is immediately applied to the total amount. Only values between 0 and 100 (up to 2 decimal places) are allowed as a discount.

Discount on invoice item

To set a discount on an invoice item, click the ACTIONS button for the invoice item you want to apply the discount to during invoice creation or editing. Then click ‘Add Discount’. After entering the percentage (between 0 and 100), a new line with the calculated discount will be added below the invoice item.

It is possible to combine a discount on the total amount and a discount on an invoice item. In this case, the discount on the invoice item is included in the calculation of the discount on the total amount.

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