Send your physical mail online. Mail-IT-Wize prints, envelopes, and sorts your invoices and other documents. Everything is delivered to BPost the next day.

By setting up a connection with Mail-IT-Wize, you can send your invoices and other documents directly via BPost. This way, you no longer need to print and send them yourself. Shipping can be done via regular mail (non-prior) or registered mail.

Setting up a connection is only possible with a Pro subscription or higher.

With Mail-IT-Wize, you can send invoices and other documents online via physical mail (as non-prior or registered mail).

You can open a new account with Mail-IT-Wize directly through our software.

Request an Account

To set up a connection, you need an account with Mail-IT-Wize. You can request this directly through us.

With Mail-IT-Wize, you only pay per letter sent, so there are no fixed costs. You will receive a monthly invoice from Mail-IT-Wize for the letters sent. You can only open an account with Mail-IT-Wize if you have a Belgian VAT number or company number.

You can request an account via “Connections” > “Mail-IT-Wize” > “Set up Connection.”

Follow the wizard and complete the required information to request your account.

After the request, it will be validated within 48 hours, and your account will be set up.

Once your account has been activated, you can request a password on the Mail-IT-Wize portal: Mail-IT-Wize Portal – Request New Password.

Set Up Connection

If your Mail-IT-Wize account has been activated, you can set up the connection from our software.

To do this, go to "Modules" > "Mail-IT-Wize" > "Set Up Connection" and follow the wizard.

During the wizard, you will need to enter a token. You can request this through the Mail-IT-Wize portal (

To set up your Mail-IT-Wize account, you must first set a "Webhook key" after logging in. To do this, click on "Webhook" and then click on "Generate webhook key." You do not need to transfer this webhook key to our software program.

Next, go to "Tokens" in the portal and click on "Create New Token" to create a new token. For the name, enter something like SimpleBilling.

Copy the token and enter it into our software program. Click "Connect" to complete the connection.

Note: The entered token is valid for one year. You will need to request a new token annually and set up the connection again.


Post by BPost

After the connection is set up, you can send the invoice (or quote, etc.) in the same way you would if sending the invoice via email.

Go to the invoice in question and click "Send" at the top, or from the overview, open the Actions menu and click "Send."

The address details of your customer will be automatically populated. If your customer has multiple addresses, you can select the desired address.

By default, the customer's shipping address will be used if available.

The address will be printed on the envelope, so there is no need to place billing information in a specific location on your invoice layout.

To send a registered mail item, check the option. Note: Registered mail incurs higher costs.

After sending, you can view the latest status at the bottom of the timeline. Once the shipment has been processed, the status in the timeline will be automatically updated. 

It is also possible to send a reminder for an invoice via Mail-IT-Wize.

Click on "Reminder" for the invoice and choose the desired document type in the "Mail" tab: "Duplicate Invoice," "Reminder Document," or "Summary Document."

From the invoice overview, you can also select multiple invoices and send them all at once to the customers. Check the invoices you want to send and click "Send" at the top. 


There are no fixed costs associated with opening an account with Mail-IT-Wize. You only pay per letter sent.

The cost of the letter depends on the number of pages, the destination (Belgium/abroad), and whether it is a registered mail item. Documents are always printed double-sided and in color.

Shipping within Belgium:

  • Regular Mail: €1.21
  • Registered Mail: €6.99
  • Per Additional Page: €0.11 (new page) / €0.07 (backside)

Shipping within Europe:

  • Regular Mail: €2.45
  • Registered Mail: €6.30
  • Per Additional Page: €0.11 (new page) / €0.07 (backside)

Different prices apply for shipments outside Europe (available upon request).

The prices listed are exclusive of VAT and valid until 31/12/2022. Prices may be adjusted earlier in the event of changes to postal rates.

Different prices apply for shipments with more than 12 pages.

You will receive a monthly invoice from Mail-IT-Wize for the letters sent. Payment term: 8 days from the invoice date.

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