Create quotations

If you have already activated the quotes module, you can start creating quotes. Click on Quotes > Create > Choose new or existing customer.

Create new customer

To create a new customer, you will need to fill in the company details (address, VAT number, email address, phone number). Then click 'Create customer'.


You will now be taken to a new screen where the system has already filled in some fields for you.

Edit customer details

To edit the customer's details, click the gray box next to the customer's name and make the changes.

Change quote numbering

To change the quote numbering, click the gray box next to 'quote number'.

The system ensures that your invoice numbers follow sequentially (2022-0001, 2022-0002, 2022-0003, ...). By default, 'base future numbering on this new number' is checked.

If you do not want this, uncheck the option.


Enter here: description, quantities, amount, VAT rate


Specify here what the invoice is about.

If you want to add more emphasis to your text, make it bold, underline it, adjust the size, add tables, or insert an image, use the text editor.


Quote note

The system has placed a default text for you. If you want to change it, you can edit it in the box or go to Settings > Options > Default Note > Quotes.

Here you can specify the validity period of the quote, currency, exchange rate, and adjust the language of the quote.

Scroll down and click on Create quote.

The quote has been successfully created.

Send quote

To send a quote, click the blue button with the airplane icon.


Then select the recipient and format the text. You can also use the text editor for this. (More information at the bottom of this page)

Finally, you can also add an attachment using one of the two buttons.

Then click 'Send' using the blue button.

The quote has been successfully sent.

Confirm quote

Has your customer confirmed the quote? Then go to 'More actions' and click 'Accept'.

Follow up on quote

You can find all sent, expired, or confirmed quotes in this handy 'overview.'

Go to Overview > select, for example, 'All quotes.' The system will then automatically filter based on your selection.

From quote to invoice

Under 'More actions,' you have additional options, including printing the quote or creating a purchase order, delivery note, or invoice.

To create an invoice, click on 'Create invoice' as shown in the example above.

The invoice will now be generated.

As you can see, the structured communication and reference are also included on the invoice. If you want to disable this, adjust it in the 'settings'.

Invoice note

Scroll down to find the 'invoice note.' You can adjust the text there. To change the text for all invoices, go to Settings > Default Note.


Scroll down and click the blue button.

The invoice has now been successfully created, and the quote has been marked as 'Accepted.'

When you check the invoice overview, you will see that the status of the invoice is 'Outstanding.'

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