Why use a layout?

By setting up a layout, you determine the appearance of printed invoices, quotes, and other documents. Choosing an appropriate and professional-looking layout can be crucial for leaving a good impression on your customers.

To set up the layout, navigate to the "Layouts" section.


To create or edit a layout, you will use the Layout Editor, which provides numerous options and controls to customize the structure and appearance of your invoices. You can set a logo or background, adjust the positioning of elements, and choose from various formats.

To add a new layout, click on "Create" at the top. Provide a name and select the desired template as the starting point for creating the new layout.

In the Layout Editor, you'll find various blocks such as "Image," "Customer Details," "Document Details," "Table," etc. For each block, you determine its position, the size of the data, and which specific data fields to include.

While building the layout, you can use the "Preview" button to see a sample invoice based on the current layout.

The layout is divided into different positions: "Centered (Top)," "Left," "Right," "Centered (Bottom)," and "Table." Depending on the block in the Layout Editor, you set it to one of these available positions.

an overview of the different blocks 


General page settings such as font type, text size, and formats.



You can add your own logo in the "Left", "Right", or "Centered (above)" positions.

The maximum length and width of the logo depend on the chosen position. If the image is too large, it will automatically be resized to fit within the available space of that position. However, the file size of the image is limited to 300 KB to ensure that the printed PDFs do not become too large.

You can add open space above the logo. If you prefer to shift the logo to the left or right, it's best to include open space in the image of the logo itself.


Alternatively, an image or PDF file can be set as a background (letterhead). This background can include fixed company details or a footer, in addition to the logo. The background can span from the top to the bottom of the page, ignoring page margins. To occupy the entire page, the image should be 2572 pixels high and 1818 pixels wide, or the PDF file should be in A4 format with dimensions of 210 x 297 mm. If the background is larger, it will not fully display. For backgrounds that don't occupy the entire page, smaller images can be used, starting from the top right.

If the background has a header where no other information should be placed, this can be set using "Header height".

To repeat the background on every page (including the terms page), check "Repeat on every page".

If a PDF file is added, it can contain multiple pages. The second (or third) page is used only if the invoice has multiple pages. For multiple pages with "Repeat on every page" checked, the first page is used only once, while subsequent pages are repeated.

If you have pre-printed letterhead and want to use it when printing from a printer, check "Always print on letterhead when printing from a printer". This way, the set background is included when downloading as a PDF but not when printing from a printer. To differentiate between "Download as PDF" and "Print from printer" when printing invoices, go to "Settings" > "Advanced" and set the "Print method" option to "Choose print method during printing", or alternatively, activate the "Dropbox / Google Drive" module.


The title of the document (e.g., Invoice) can be added in the "Left" or "Right" position.

In addition to the title format, you can specify the position or text size further.

To use a custom title, select "Custom title". This way, you can specify your own title. For example, you can replace the title "Purchase Order" with "Agreement". The new title will be visible only when printing the document.

Customer info

Customer details can be positioned on the "Left" or "Right" side.

You can specify the exact position and text size, and choose which fields to print. Only fields that are available for the customer will be printed. For certain fields like "VAT number" and "Phone number," you can choose to print them in either the "Customer details" block or the "Document details" block.

By default, the customer's country is printed only if the customer is located outside Belgium. If you wish to always print the country, you can check the "Country" field.

Shiping address

Place the customer's shipping address on the layout. The position can be set to "Left" or "Right".

You can specify the exact position, text size, and select the fields to print.

By default, the customer's country is printed only if the customer is located outside Belgium. If you wish to always print the country, you can check the "Country" field.

construction site address

Place the customer's shipping address on the layout. You can set the position to "Left" or "Right".

You can determine the exact position and text size, and select the fields to print.

By default, the customer's country is only printed if the customer is located outside Belgium. If you wish to always print the country, you can check the "Country" field.

Company details

The company details can be positioned on the "Left" or "Right".

You can specify the exact position and text size, and check the fields to be printed. Additional company details can be added via "Contact details".

Tip! If you wish to rearrange the company details, uncheck them and add them again in the desired order via "Contact details".

Document details

The document details (such as invoice number, date, due date) can be positioned on the "Left", "Right", or "Centered (below)".

Note: To set the position "Centered (below)", you need to use the "List type" value "Columns".

You determine the format in which the document details are printed via "List type". Depending on the chosen list type, you have different options to further configure these details. It is recommended to explore the various possibilities to determine which format you prefer. Use the "Preview" button each time to view the result.

To customize the field names, you can click on the "Detail" button next to each field.

Note! Fields such as "Number" and "Date" must be legally included on the invoice. Therefore, it is advisable not to disable these fields.


The invoice table with the invoice lines is always found below the preceding blocks (position "Table").

You can adjust the format of the header, invoice lines, or total separately. Review the various options to determine your preferred format. Use the "Preview" button each time to see the result.

The minimum size of the table can be set via "Minimum number of lines". Ensure there is enough space at the bottom for the invoice note so that it does not spill over onto the next page.

You can set which columns to display and their order. The width of each column is automatically determined based on the other configured columns. You can adjust the alignment and title of each column via the "Detail" button.

Note! For delivery notes, automatic restrictions are applied to the configured columns. Columns such as "Amount", "Total", and "VAT rate" are not included, an "Quantity" column is always used, and the columns "Description" and "Item" are placed at the front.

You can also choose not to print totals. This can be useful, for example, if totals are not desired for a quote or delivery note. In such cases, it's best to create a separate layout specifically used for the desired document type.

Summary Document Table

When sending a reminder using a summary document with an overview of all overdue invoices, this alternative table will be used. Select which columns to print and in what order they should appear.


Activate the signature block to add a 'Signature for approval' or 'Signature for receipt' to the layout. This is particularly useful for documents such as quotes, purchase orders, or delivery notes.

The signature block is always placed at the bottom, after the invoice note. It can be positioned on the left, right, or both sides.

Terms and conditions

Here is the English translation:

Through terms, you can automatically add general terms and conditions or sales terms as an additional page to the document.

Terms can be added either as text or as a PDF file. A PDF file is added integrally to the document, giving you complete control over the layout of the terms page.

When adding terms as text, you can adjust the text format or place the text in multiple columns, see: Formatting

Can the terms be printed double-sided? The terms are added as an additional page in the PDF file. To print these double-sided, you can choose to print the PDF file duplex (if your printer supports this option).

Here is the English translation:

"Through terms, you can automatically add general terms and conditions or sales terms as an additional page to the document.

Terms can be added either as text or as a PDF file. A PDF file is added integrally to the document, giving you complete control over the layout of the terms page.

When adding terms as text, you can adjust the text format or place the text in multiple columns, see: Formatting

Can the terms be printed double-sided? The terms are added as an additional page in the PDF file. To print these double-sided, you can choose to print the PDF file duplex (if your printer supports this option)."