Per document type, you can customize the subject of your email. Utilize variables such as %document-number% to tailor the subject based on the sent document.

Email text

You can select these texts when sending your emails. This allows you to keep track of and reuse different texts. The templates 'Invoices', 'Credit Notes', etc., are set as default texts depending on the type of document being sent. You can add and delete texts as desired. You can still update the texts before sending if necessary. If you work with clients who speak different languages, you can set a suitable text for each language. For standard descriptions, refer to Email texts.

Email layout

Customize the standard email layout. You can choose to use the default layout, opt for no layout (text only), or add your own HTML layout. Click here for instructions on building your own HTML layout.

To verify if the email is being opened by the recipient.

Check this option to determine if an email is opened/read. This will change the status of the sent email to "Read." This option is not available when using the "Own mailbox (SMTP)" sending method.

Here are some tips to prevent your emails from being marked as spam:

1. *ending Method: Preferably use the sending methods "Own email address" or "Own mailbox". These methods reduce the likelihood of your emails being flagged as spam.

2. Personalization: Personalize your emails by addressing your customer by name. You can use variables like %client-name% to automate this process.

3. Avoid Capitals and Exclamation Marks: Avoid using words COMPLETELY IN CAPITAL LETTERS or excessive exclamation marks (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Spam filters tend to flag such content.

4. Use of Hyperlinks: Preferably avoid including hyperlinks unless they point to the domain of the email address from which the email is sent.

5. Content: Ensure your email has sufficient meaningful content, such as 5-6 lines of actual text. This could include a description of the invoice, payment instructions, your company's mission statement, or a thank you message to your customer.

Following these guidelines can help maintain a high deliverability rate and ensure your emails reach your customers effectively.


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