Setting Up SEPA Direct Debit

To set up a SEPA Direct Debit, you first need to visit your bank or payment provider. Start a SEPA Direct Debit contract with your bank, and then activate the module via the “Modules” page.

After activating the module, enter your contract number from your bank. Depending on the type of agreement, specify the type as “CORE” or “B2B”.

Your company name and IBAN must also be provided in “Settings” > “Company Details” to proceed.

Activate Customers

Once the module is correctly activated, you can activate customers for whom a mandate has been obtained. The mandate for a customer is managed separately from our software. You can create a mandate by preparing and having a mandate form signed by the customer. You can request a standard mandate form when setting up the contract with your bank.

You can download a sample form here: CORE Mandate Form / B2B Mandate Form

For payment type, you must always use "recurring collection." One-time collections are not supported via our platform.

Once the mandate is created and signed by the customer, you can activate SEPA Direct Debits for the customer by creating or updating the customer in the customer section. In the “SEPA Direct Debit” block, enter the mandate date and reference along with the customer’s IBAN.

If the bank account is under a different name than the one available in the customer data, you can also provide an alternate name. Optionally, you can also provide the BIC, but this is only required in specific situations.

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