By default, one layout is added to your account. When you create a new layout, a second layout is added, and from then on, you can choose which layout to use for each document. When creating or updating an invoice (or other document), you will find a "Layout" field under "Additional options" for this purpose.

In the "Layouts" section, you can see an overview of available layouts and customize them as needed. You can also add a third or more additional layouts. Multiple layouts can be useful if you have different activities within your business and want a customized layout for each activity, or if you want to deviate from the standard layout for a specific type of document.

The name of the default layout is "Standaard," but you can change this name by going to "Actions" > "Options."

Tip! If you've created a new layout and no longer wish to use the old one, you can archive it. This way, it won't be available for new documents but will still be accessible for existing ones.

Tip! Start from an existing layout when creating a new one. This way, you only need to add the desired differences to the layout. In the layout overview, click on "Actions" > "Duplicate" next to the existing layout to create a new one.

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