Mollie helps businesses of all sizes work more efficiently by providing a reliable, yet easy-to-use, payment solution. By setting up a connection with Mollie, you can add a payment link and a QR code to your invoices so that your customers can pay them online immediately. 

Opening a new account with Mollie is free. There are no fixed costs; you only pay per transaction executed. You can directly create a new account with Mollie via the wizard in our software package.

Setting up a connection is only possible with a Pro subscription or higher.


Setting up a connection and/or opening a new Mollie account can be done through "Links" > "Mollie" > "Set up connection". This action only needs to be performed once.

Follow the wizard to open a new account with Mollie or connect with an existing account.

New account

If you don't have an account with Mollie yet, you can directly open a new account. Fill in your company details correctly and click on "Create Account".

Your Mollie account has been successfully created, and you will receive an activation email from Mollie. This email contains your email address and password, as well as an activation button that you need to click first to activate your account.

During activation, you will enter your email address and password to proceed and accept the terms and conditions.

Click on "Activate Account" and follow the wizard to complete your company details and prepare your account for activation. After filling out the wizard, the entered information will be validated by Mollie before your account is ready for use.

After activating the Mollie account and completing the wizard in our software package, click on "Connect".

If you have closed the wizard in the meantime, you can restart it and choose "Connect with existing account at Mollie".


With Mollie, your customers can pay online or via automatic direct debit. Add one or more payment methods through the Mollie website. Activate the SEPA Direct Debit payment method to enable payment via direct debit.

The connection has now been set up, and a payment link has been added to the standard invoice note and the standard email template for invoices.

Payment link

After setting up the connection, a payment link is automatically added to the email text for invoices. You can also manually add the payment link later by adding the variable %payment-link%.

The variable %payment-link% is automatically converted into a valid payment link after the invoice is created or when the invoice is sent by email. The payment link can only be used for invoices and payment requests; you cannot add a payment link to other documents.

To verify that your connection was set up correctly, you can click on a generated payment link to open the payment page. If the connection was set up correctly, you will find a summary of the invoice and can select a payment method to complete the payment.

You can customize the placement of the payment link as desired, adjust the accompanying text, or remove the payment link from the invoice/email to disable online payment for an invoice.

The text of the payment link can be placed between [payment] and [/payment] to show the payment link only if no payment has been made for the invoice yet. For example, [payment]Click here to pay your invoice online[/payment].

If you wish to add the name of the link, click on "Tt" (text editor) at the bottom right and then on your link in the email text.

A payment link can only be used as long as the invoice still has an outstanding status in EenvoudigFactureren (meaning no payment has been recorded yet). If you manually add a payment for the invoice, your customer will no longer be able to make the online payment. After a successful payment, the payment will be automatically recorded for your invoice, and the invoice status will be updated to "Paid". If you add a partial payment yourself, the payment link will only request payment for the outstanding amount.

After disconnecting the link with Mollie, all payment links become invalid, and your customer will no longer be able to use the payment link. By subsequently setting up a new connection with a Mollie account, old payment links will become valid again.


Go to the layout editor, select your layout, and scroll down until you see the QR code block appear. Choose 'Mollie (by Mollie link)' for the QR code and determine the position on the page where the link should be placed.

The QR code now appears when printing the invoice.

Scanning the QR code will redirect you to Mollie's payment page.

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