Items from the “stock items” domain represent an item.
Structure URL’s: Articles Article with ID 5004
Domain : stockitems
Field name | Type | Description | Example |
stockitem_id | int | Unique ID of the article. Generated by the system. To be specified in URL. | 4004 |
uri | text | URL to the article. Generated by the system. To be used when addressing an article via the API. | – |
code | text | Unique code of the article. Maximum 20 characters. Required to specify. | A000001 |
description | text | Description of the item. Maximum 10000 characters. Required to specify. | Product 1 |
description_html | html | Description of the article in HTML format. Maximum 10000 characters. Mandatory (use alternative field description). | <p>Product 1</p> |
type | text | Type of the article. Can contain the value “single” (= item), “combined” (= collective item), “combined_fixed” (= collective item with fixed price) or “list” (= item list). Default value is “single”. | single |
comments | text | Additional information to the article. Maximum 10000 characters. Optional field. | Submitted by supplier X – new order. |
comments_html | html | Additional information to the article. Maximum 10000 characters. Optional field. | <p>By ...</p> |
price | float | Price of the item. Optional field. Can only be specified with type “single” and “combined_fixed”. | 9.99 |
tax_category | int | VAT category to which the item belongs. Can have value 1, 2, 3 or 0 where 0 = not specified, 1 = 1st VAT rate (21%), 2 = 2nd VAT rate (12%) and 3 = 3rd VAT rate (6%) depending on the VAT your account settings. Can only be specified with type “single” and “combined_fixed”. | 1 |
tax_category_special_status | text | Code deviating VAT rate from the used VAT percentage (tax_category) of the stock item. Can only be used if the VAT category is 0. The field is optional and can be up to 20 characters long. Can only be specified with type “single” and “combined_fixed”. | MC |
tax_included | text | Indicates whether the stated price is inclusive or exclusive of VAT. Can have value 'yes' or 'no'. Optional field (default 'no'). Can only be specified with type “single” and “combined_fixed”. | yes |
supply | int/text | Stock of the product. Can contain a number between -999999 and 999999 or the text “infinite” if stock is not applicable. Can only be specified with type “single”. | 10 |
unit | text | Unit of the product. Optional field. Maximum 10 characters long and must not contain a space. If specified, the unit is automatically added to the invoice when selecting the item. Can only be specified for type “single”, “combined” and “combined_fixed”. | piece |
general_ledger_account | text | Code of the item's default ledger account. Not required. Between 6 and 8 characters long, only numbers are allowed. Can only be specified for type “single”, “combined” and “combined_fixed”. | 700000 |
items | list | List with reference to child articles. Only applicable for type “combined”, “combined_fixed” and “list”. | – |
custom_values | list | List of standard fields. The available fields are added via “Settings” > “Advanced”. | – |
active | text | Determines whether the article is active. Can have value 'yes' or 'no'. | yes |
last_activity | datetime | Time with the last activity of the article. Cannot be specified, determined automatically by the system. | 2020-05-03 11:33:45 |
Subdomain : items ( < stockitems )
Field name | Type | Description | Example |
stockitem_id | number | Unique ID of the child item | 4001 |
quantity | number | Quantity of the article. Can contain a number between -999999 and 999999. | 1 |
Subdomain : custom_values ( < stockitems )
Field name | Type | Description | Example |
name | text | Internal name of the default field. Determined when the default field is created and can be used as a unique identifier for the default field. Mandatory when adding or changing the value of this field. | myreference |
description | text | Name or description of the default field as it appears when used. Returned for informational purposes only and cannot be modified via the API. | Our reference |
value | text | Value of the default field. Maximum 75 characters long. | 123456 |
Example in XML of an article:
<stockitem> <stockitem_id>4004</stockitem_id> <uri></uri> <code>A000001</code> <description>Product 1</description> <description_html><![CDATA[<p>Product 1</p>]]></description_html> <type>single</type> <comments>Door leverancier X - nieuwe bestelling doorgegeven.</comments> <comments_html><![CDATA[<p>Door leverancier X - nieuwe bestelling doorgegeven.</p>]]></comments_html> <price>9.99</price> <tax_category>1</tax_category> <tax_included>no</tax_included> <supply>10</supply> <unit>stuk</unit> <general_ledger_account>700000</general_ledger_account> <items/> <custom_values> <custom_value> <name>ean</name> <description>EAN</description> <value>100000000000001</value> </custom_value> </custom_values> <active>yes</active> <last_activity>2018-05-03 11:33:45</last_activity> </stockitem>
Example in XML of a collector's item:
<stockitem> <stockitem_id>4004</stockitem_id> <uri></uri> <code>C000001</code> <description>Combinatie 1</description> <description_html><![CDATA[<p>Combinatie 1</p>]]></description_html> <type>combined</type> <comments>Door leverancier X - nieuwe bestelling doorgegeven.</comments> <price>9.99</price> <tax_category>1</tax_category> <tax_included>no</tax_included> <supply>10</supply> <unit>stuk</unit> <general_ledger_account>700000</general_ledger_account> <items> <item> <stockitem_id>4001</stockitem_id> <quantity>1</quantity> </item> <item> <stockitem_id>4002</stockitem_id> <quantity>2</quantity> </item> </items> <custom_values/> <active>yes</active> <last_activity>2018-05-03 11:33:45</last_activity> </stockitem>
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