Items from the “deliveries” domain represent a delivery note.

Structure of URL’s: Delivery note details Delivery note with ID 4004 Items from delivery note with ID 4004 Item with ID 5004 from delivery note with ID 4004 Notes of delivery note with ID 4004  Notes with ID 5010 of delivery note with ID 4004 Events of delivery note with ID 4004 Event with ID 5030 of delivery note with ID 4004

Domain : deliveries

Field name
delivery_idintUnique ID of the delivery note. Generated by the system. Required to be specified in URL (except for creation).4004
uritextURL to the delivery note. Generated by the system. To be used when addressing the delivery note via the API.
external_delivery_idtext(Unique) ID of the delivery note that can be set by a third party. Maximum 50 characters long. Uniqueness of the value is not
client_idintUnique ID of the customer. Required to specify.1001
client_uritextURL to the customer. Generated by the system. To be used when addressing the customer via the API.
client_nametextName of the customer. Is automatically taken from the customer data if not specified.IT Services BVBA
client_attentiontextAttn of the customer. Is automatically taken from the customer data if not specified.Dienst administratie
typetextType of the document. Always contains the value: 'delivery'. It is determined by the system and cannot be passed on by
numbertextUnique delivery note number as shown on the delivery note. Generated if not provided. Maximum 255 characters long.00000001
layout_idintUnique ID of the layout. If not specified, the default layout is determined automatically. Can be empty if no layout has been set for the account.8001
referencetextSelf-specified reference of the delivery note. Not required. Maximum 250 characters long.REF123456789
datedateDate of creation of the delivery note. Generated if not provided. Format YYYY-MM-DD.2018-02-15
statustextDelivery note status. Possible values: 'open' (=Open), 'completed' (=Completed). Default status is 'open'.open
billing_addressAddressCustomer billing address. Is automatically taken from the customer data if not specified.
delivery_addressAddressCustomer's shipping address. Is automatically taken from the customer data if not specified.
site_addressAddressCustomer site address. Is automatically taken from the customer data if not specified.
languagetextThe language in which the delivery note is drawn up. This value can contain 'dutch', 'french', 'english' or 'german' but can also be empty. If empty (= default value), the default language (dutch) is used.dutch
itemslistList of delivery note items.
notetextNote shown at the bottom of the delivery note. Optional to give. Maximum 2000 characters long.Warranty condtions apllicable
note_htmlhtmlNote shown at the bottom of the delivery note in HTML format. Optional to give. Maximum 2000 characters long.
<p>Warranty conditions applicable</p>
last_activitydatetimeTime with the last activity of the delivery note. Cannot be specified, automatically determined by the system.2018-05-03 11:33:45
custom_valueslistList of standard fields that can be added to the delivery note. The available standard fields can be set via “Settings” > “Advanced”.
tagslistList of tags indicating which actions have already been performed for the delivery note.
remarkslistList of personal notes on the delivery note.
eventslistList of delivery note events.

Subdomain : items ( < deliveries )

Field name
item_idintUnique ID of the delivery note item. Generated by the system. Required to be specified in URL (except for creation).4004
delivery_idintUnique ID of the delivery note. Generated by the system. Required to be specified in URL.3003
uritextURL to delivery note item. Generated by the system. To be used when addressing delivery note item via the API.
quantityfloatNumber of units of the delivery note item. Can be specified to 2 decimal places. If not specified, '1' is used by default. The maximum amount is 99,999.99.2
unittextUnit of the item. Not required. Maximum 10 characters long and must start with a letter. Must not contain spaces.stuk
stockitem_codetextArtikelcode gekoppeld aan het item. Niet verplicht. Maximum 20 karakters lang. Toevoegen van een artikelcode heeft geen invloed op het aantal items in voorraad op de artikelenlijst.A0000001
stockitem_idintItem code linked to the item. Not required. Maximum 20 characters long. Adding an item code does not affect the number of items in stock on the item list.2002
quantity_with_unittextQuantity and unit of the item separated by a space. Can only be used during creation or editing. Cannot be used in combination with field 'quantity' or 'unit'. The same restrictions as 'quantity' and 'unit' fields apply.2 stuk
descriptiontextDescription of the delivery note item. Mandatory at creation (alternatively, field description_html can be used).product description
description_htmlhtmlDescription of the delivery note item in HTML format. Mandatory to be specified at creation (alternatively, field description can be used).
<p>product description</p>
custom_valueslistList of standard fields. The available fields are added via “Settings” > “Advanced”.

Subdomain : custom_values ( < deliveries + items < deliveries )

Field nameTypeDescription
nametextInternal name of the default field. Determined when the default field is created and can be used as a unique identifier for the default field. Mandatory when adding or changing the value of this field.myreference
descriptiontextName or description of the default field as it appears when used. Returned for informational purposes only and cannot be modified via the API.Our reference
valuetextValue of the default field. Maximum 75 characters long. 123456

Subdomain : tags ( < deliveries )

Field name
tag_idnumberUnique ID of the tag. 3
nametextTag name or code. Possible values: 'printed' (tag_id=3), 'sent' (tag_id=6), 'accountant' (tag_id=9).printed

Note: The 'tags' subdomain is not a full-fledged subdomain and cannot be addressed separately from domain 'deliveries'. It is not possible to adjust values in tags via the API. This data is automatically added based on actions performed.

Subdomain : remarks ( < deliveries )

Field nameTypeDescription
remark_idintUnique ID of the comment. Generated by the system. Required to be specified in URL (except for creation).5020
delivery_idintUnique ID of the delivery note. Generated by the system. Required to be specified in URL.
uritextURL to comment. Generated by the system. To be used when addressing comment via the API.
datedateDate the comment was added. If not specified, the current date is used. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.2012-02-15
descriptiontextDescription of the comment. Mandatory to be specified when creating or modifying (alternatively, field description_html can be used).Customer insists on prompt delivery
description_htmlhtmlDescription of the comment in HTML format. Mandatory to be specified when creating or modifying (alternatively, field description can be used).
<p>Customer insists on prompt delivery</p>

Subdomain : events ( < deliveries )

Field name
event_idintUnique ID of the event. Generated by the system. Required to be specified in URL.5030
delivery_idintUnique ID of the delivery note. Generated by the system. Required to be specified in URL.3003
uritextURL to event. Generated by the system. To be used when calling event via the API.
datedateDate when the event occurred. Format YYYY-MM-DD.2012-02-15
typetextEvent type. Currently only 'email sent' sent
contenttextContent or description of the event. With type 'email sent' the content of the email will be sent here.attached your  delivery note
recipientslistList of event recipients.

Note: An element of the 'events' subdomain cannot be changed or created by yourself. Only the system can create an 'event'. 

Subdomein : recipients ( < events < deliveries )

Field nameTypeDescription
nametextName (first name + last name) of the recipient.Bart Decouster
email_addresstext    Email address of the recipient.
[email protected]
external_event_recipient_idtextExternal unique reference to this record.17ad5dfc-b03e-4fd3-b66b-05b264cfa0c6
statustextStatus that returns whether the event has already arrived at the recipient. Possible statuses are: sending, sent, open, failed.sending
informationtextAdditional information about the status. An error message will appear here if status is set to 'failed'.

Note: The 'recipients' subdomain is not a full-fledged subdomain and cannot be accessed separately from the 'events' subdomain.

Example in XML of a delivery note:

  <client_name>IT Services BVBA</client_name>
  <client_attention>Dienst administratie</client_attention>
    <street>Olifantstraat 200</street>
    <street>Olifantstraat 200</street>
    <street>Olifantstraat 200</street>
      <description>product omschrijving</description>
      <description_html><![CDATA[<p>product omschrijving</p>]]></description_html>
  <note>Garantievoorwaarden zijn van toepassing.</note>
  <note_html><![CDATA[<p>Garantievoorwaarden zijn van toepassing.</p>]]></note_html>
  <last_activity>2018-05-03 11:33:45</last_activity>
      <description>Onze referentie</description>
        <description>Klant dringt aan op spoedige levering</description>
        <description_html><![CDATA[<p>Klant dringt aan op spoedige levering</p>]]></description_html>
      <type>email sent</type>
      <content>In bijlage uw leveringsbon</content>
          <name>Bart Decouster</name>
          <email_address>[email protected]</email_address>

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